Like many other Walk from Obesity participants, Deana is a weight loss surgery patient. She told us that she decided to have surgery because she was “tired of being sick and tired.”

Deana was an elite competitive figure skater in her 20’s and knew that being overweight was preventing her from doing the things she loved. “I had lost my ability to skate, which is my passion. I knew deep down that in order for me to regain my passion I had to lose the weight.” Deana was still involved in the sport as a coach and wanted to set a good example for her daughter and students by leading a healthy lifestyle.

Since treatment, Deana has gone back to competitive skating. She qualified for two national adult championships and won the 2017 Eastern Adult Championships. “Skating was such a big part of my life and I am forever grateful that I have regained my ability to do so!” She is also an avid runner and has completed 15 half marathons. Way to go Deana!!

Deana takes part in the Walk from Obesity to help raise awareness and motivate others. “If my story inspires one person then I feel it’s totally worth it! No matter what stage you are at in your journey the Walk from Obesity is for you!”

We asked her to share with us her favorite moment at the Walk, “I ran the course but when I looked around and passed all the walkers on the way to the finish line, the encouragement and cheering they did for me brought tears to my eyes.” The Walk from Obesity also allows Deane to share her experiences with her family. “My family was such a big part of my success and it’s great to be able to do a fun run with them.”

Thank you, Deana, for being a strong supporter of the Walk from Obesity! We are so happy for you and we can’t wait to see you at the next Walk!