In this month’s Walker Spotlight we spoke with Cathy Carr-Dadin. Cathy participated in the 2017 and 2018 Maryland/DC Walk from Obesity as not only a bariatric surgery patient but as a Bariatric Coordinator for the Saint Agnes Bariatric Surgery program.

“I had a BMI of 58 and as a nurse, I knew this was unhealthy. My family also has a history of diabetes and undiagnosed sleep apnea. In addition, my father had Cardiovascular Disease, so I knew what my future held if I didn’t get serious.”

Since losing 190lbs, and maintaining for 18 and a half years, Cathy has had more energy and has become more confident. “I exercise regularly, and I even started a bariatric program at the hospital I work for. In the past 17 years, we have treated over 7,000 patients!”

“I joined the Walk from Obesity and started Team St. Agnes for the patients I serve. I wanted them to feel that ‘yes you can’ moment I feel each day.” Cathy’s team had 35 participants and raised $890 to help support obesity research, education, and access to care. She even started a walking group six months prior to the walk to prepare. “I enjoy the fellowship of my patients and seeing their happiness in succeeding.”

When we asked Cathy if she would recommend the Walk from Obesity to others she said “Yes, I think more bariatric professionals should take the time outside of their programs to inspire others! The Walk from Obesity is a true team building experience.”

One thing Cathy recommends to those nervous or unsure of participating in the Walk from Obesity is to just come check it out. “You may be slow, but there is no one to beat except your attitude. The feeling of accomplishment I felt after my first 5k was wonderful!”

Thank you, Cathy, for your support and everything you do to help those affected by obesity!