On a mission to achieve a healthier lifestyle for herself and her daughter Olivia underwent gastric sleeve surgery. She said after surgery “I’m able to do more with my daughter as far as outside activities. I’m able to walk more and not be out of breath. I can even walk up the escalators now instead of standing!”

In 2017 Olivia registered for the Maryland/DC Walk from Obesity. “I wanted to encourage myself and see if I was able to finish the walk. My sister went with me for support and I was nervous because I have never done a 5k walk before and wasn’t sure if I could make it. Even while walking that day I thought about stopping and quitting but seeing so many other people younger and older helped me push to the finish line.”

We asked Olivia what was the best moment for her at the Walk and she told us “Seeing so many people ranging from young children to elderly adults was so encouraging. The Walk from Obesity is a great opportunity to meet others and it’s a great way to motivate yourself to walk more each day.”

“Anyone can do this walk if they just try. Don’t ever give up!! The reward you feel once you complete this walk is a feeling you will never forget!”

Thank you, Olivia, for helping us raise awareness of obesity. We are proud of you and glad you are able to do more fun actives with your daughter!